MIS Request - How to submit an MIS Request Form


Never submitted an MIS Request Form? This guide will walk you through where to find the form, and how to fill it out. 


Microsoft File Explorer and any PDF Editor application such as Adobe, or Bluebeam. 


  1. Make sure you are connected to the EC Network or Cato VPN. 
    • Being connected to the EC Network means that you are connected to the ECCompany_Private Wi-Fi Network, or connected to an Ethernet connection in an EC, PSW or EFS office location. If you look at your task bar near the clock, you will either see an Wi-Fi symbol, or a computer symbol. Hover your mouse cursor over the icon, and it will tell you that you are connected to e-c-co.com. Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
      • If you do not see this, and you do not have the Cato VPN on your computer, you should ask a co-worker who may have access to this, or reach out to the Service Desk.
  2. Navigate to the _Corp-Site drive 
    • If you do not have the _Corp-Site drive mapped to your shortcuts, you can copy the following link, and paste it into your File Explorer URL box - \\ec-pdx-fs01\_Corp-Site\Forms 
    • If you cannot access this shared location, you can reach out to a colleague who may have access for assistance, or reach out to the Service Desk.Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  3. Within the "Forms" folder in the _Corp_Site drive, you will see a folder labeled "Management Information Systems (Kelly G.). Within this folder you will see a PDF file labeled MIS Request Form-Rev-8.15.23.PDF. 
    • This is the most recent version of the MIS Request Form. You should always come here for the MIS Request form as it is often updated for your convenience as as for MIS.
      • Our business technology and our processes are continually evolving. If you submit an old form it is possible that we may reject the submission and ask you to submit the current version of the form. Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  4. Open the MIS Request Form and fill in all relatable information to the user the request is for, as well as the equipment, software and account information that is needed. (The images below may show an outdated form. We will try to update this article as we can, but you can still use the images as an example on how to fill out the form. 
    - The image below may show an outdated form
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    • If this request is for a new employee, it is very important to fill out the field "Model account after current employee:" This allows us to copy the current employee's department, manager, job title and shared drive access and other info to the new user. This will save MIS and yourself time with redundant communications. 
    • Be sure to get a Manager's approval and signature as well as the Job Number/GL Code at the bottom of Page 2.
    • Please try to provide MIS as much information as possible regarding what is needed for the user. Please look over each field to be sure it is not left blank when it is applicable to the specific user. 
  5. Once the form is completely filled out, make sure you select "Save as" when saving the file to be sure you do not overwrite the original file. You can copy this file to your computer, or OneDrive. Just be sure you often check the _Corp-Site drive to be sure a new version of the MIS form has not been released. Again, always be sure to use the current version of the MIS Request Form. 
  6. When saving the MIS Request Form, you can include the name of the user for whom the request is for. 
    • Example: MIS Request Form - Bob Burnquist
  7. You can now submit the MIS Request to MIS. If you already have a ticket open, you can reply to the last ticket email and attach the PDF.
    • If you do not already have a ticket open, send an email to EMIS-ServiceDesk@ecpowerslife.com to submit the request. Be sure to provide a descriptive email description, shipping delivery address and name, and other information that you believe can help us efficiently and effectively complete the request. 

If you have any questions or you cannot access the MIS Request form, if none of your colleagues can assist, you can reach out to EMIS-ServiceDesk@ecpowerslife.com or give us a call at (503) 552-5500 for assistance.